English Harbour by John P. Drudge
The curving road/ Winds down/ Through jagged rocks/ To the harbour/ And the bright
Pendulum by Mike Dillon
When all turns black/ I go out cloaked with midnight./ When all turns bright/ I build a cathedral beyond
Once Upon A Decade by Amuda Abbas Oluwadamilola
While the time I was young/ I imagined money grew like fruits of the udara tree,/ Plucked with little or no
Beginner's grace by Jordan Vanderpool
In spite of my own flaws I know/ Beginnings only start to bring/ The best of seeds to sew.
Nocturne by Maureen Adams
A million brilliant ideas/ flicker overhead/ just out of reach// some blaze brightly/ before collapsing
Wander Not to Get Lost by Sushant Thapa
Ruffle the fallen leaves that want to rise./ Open the window of the sky to allow/ The brimming light.
Winter Charms by Fred Miller
Winter weaves its charms in a sprightly dance of jaunty/ flakes in the grip of fickle gusts that touch and
Windows Beneath The Street by D. W. White
But when the snows fell/ The window fogged/ Waiting for a moment to presume/ To presume and to resume
rogue waves by Edward L. Canavan
holding forth with open arms/ longing unreturned// like a quiet strangeness/ cast in the shadows of
Paper Cranes by Ann Howells
Sixty years Nana's clipped nails/ pressed precise folds,/ aligned flightless wings –/ onion skin
Words by Petar Penda
Many spurt out/ Try to win the world/ Arrow down the center/ Somehow always missing it.
Orchard in Winter by M.J.Iuppa
Whenever I see you walking beneath the trees, I/ recall the year we planted the orchard, imagining the
The Sleeping Hour by Patrick J. Wilson
If time could sleep for an hour,/ Perhaps the world would experience some peace./ If time could rest for
Parallax Error by Cyril Wong
In a quieter universe, time is made up/ conversations with unamputated/ trees, itinerant rain
With You by Melissa Gill
We’ll wade in Lake Mead’s mouth// a mortal-made pit of restless water/ & talk about faces forming
Her by Kelli Lage
My grandmother’s eyes were a Christmas tree./ I look for her in the forest each year,/ pleading with the
No, Thanks! by Ankit Raj
They show me a ghastly mirror./ A dwindling reflection/ From a distant day ahead,/ When I am rendered
The Human Wretch by Pramod Rastogi
The skies have darkened/ And lightening has swept/ Across the arched dome/ Puffing thunder like
Twilight by JLF Maikaho
Through the Isles of perdition/ And the abyss of loss/ Through the dark days of confusion/ And the twilights
SomeDay by James G. Piatt
…your idle thoughts will wed the/ wistful wind and your sorrows will/ merge with winter’s shadows.…
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Trouvaille Review is an online journal that publishes the poetry of poets across the globe. For free, you may send us your poems, and if selected, we will publish your poems on this website. We strive to let the contributors know our decision within 24 hours.