Once Upon A Decade by Amuda Abbas Oluwadamilola
While the time I was young
I imagined money grew like fruits of the udara tree,
Plucked with little or no stress.
A little while,
Imaginations changed
And money had to be plucked from the tree
With stones and sticks
In frenzied hauls of hustle.
I finally knew the distance between seasons
When my thoughts became ripe
Walking into that same compound
That housed my childish thoughts
And realizing by myself
That I was totally wrong
And the distance between me and money’s fruit
Was climbing the compound tree
To its very tip.
Amuda Abbas Oluwadamilola is a sophomore at Ahmadu Bello University, Nigeria. He is a literature enthusiast and budding book reviewer with one passion: giving back to the writing community with volunteering services. When he's not writing, he's doing what he knows second best: Mobigraphy - [Mobile Photography].