Lonely Tree by Shiksha Dheda
Flowers burst into colour/ beautiful little flowers;/ bright, pretty/ whimsical, temperamental
Dreams by Ivan Peledov
Of course, people tend to forget all the dreams about outer space/ colonized by multihearted beasts.
Hummingbirds at the Feeder in August by Gary Grossman
The dwarf flyers dogfight,/ Emerald backs edging/ To buff, figure eights and/ Double barrel rolls
Christmas Morning by Emma Keas
Outward light, but the curtain’s too heavy for sun—/ In this hotel room we sit because the chairs back
When Trolls Climb the Pixie Trees by Chris Butler
The closest color/ to the stolen pot of gold/ isn’t indigo.
Usurping by Robert Nisbet
If you walk to the village of Porthgain,/ as much a cluster of cottages as village/ (although it has a very busy
Elementary Blues by Howie Good
Around midnight I had finally given up trying to turn the stale words and phrases on the screen of my
Space by Elaine Nadal
I’ll write a verse about my love tomorrow./ The moon gloats tonight, glowing in its fullness
The Bowl of My Sorrows by Salim Yakubu Akko
This poem is the bowl of my sorrows/ Woven in a cascade of doom/ When I was dancing to the tune
The Man Who Knew One Thing by Gene Goldfarb
Realized his house was not level/ when he cooked his sunny-side up eggs/ their yolks staring back at
On Writing by Lisa Molina
Outer space images,/ flying fractals,/ exploding stars,/ reach sharp shards/ into me, bursting/ through
When Inspiration Is Needed by Lois Perch Villemaire
Why in gray December/ when my windshield is frozen/ are there robins with red breasts/ on the
This Is Not a Full Stop by TERFA Danjuma Nenger
This is not a full stop/ Like mumbling inscriptions at bus stop/ Where dictators wheel our heels till tears
The Map of Absence by Palash Mahmud
An old world sparrow flew/ over the river Brahmaputra.// Emotions battling under/ its chestnut plumages.
A Brief History of Brevoort Park by Terri Paul
My grandson skids down the metal slide/ and across the wet grass, trailing bright/ green laughter. When
Bereft by Bill Frayer
One dark night, I lost my lovely,/ fell into bed, bereft,// and slept a dreamless sleep./ By light of day
Le Chambon in Winter by Sharon Jones
The Plateau is blanketed./ Pines, silent in the snow at Advent, are witnesses/ beneath the stars.
Chalk by Gary Grossman
I found a used piece of chalk in/ The mustard yellow--green box/ Tucked in the bottom drawer, of
New Feeder by Scott Wiggerman
A hummingbird approaches, hovers, darts/ away, the red-red feeder left untouched./ I check the recipe
Winter Storm by Sharon Waller Knutson
Like a woman mourning/ her dead baby, the wind/ whines, wails and waves/ the branches of the birch
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Trouvaille Review is an online journal that publishes the poetry of poets across the globe. For free, you may send us your poems, and if selected, we will publish your poems on this website. We strive to let the contributors know our decision within 24 hours.