This clock has no numbers by Francine Witte
It also has no hands. And no digital flip. It does have a face, but it’s your face, going plaid with wrinkles, your dry
choices by Phil Wood
along saffron sands/ a braid of footprints/ as dark as cumin/ ribbon her solitude/ where she swims
Dilemma of the Day by David Dumouriez
Time’s a cliché in our pages./ Or a timeless theme./ Or both./ Four and twenty hours, gents and ladies
I Had a Voice, Now I Have a Better One by Neha Varadharajan
They say the pink, dangling manifesto at the back/ of the throat speaking words that often cry
If the Universe Were As Vast by John Tustin
If the universe were as vast/ As the glad imagination of/ A five year old boy drawing/ Dinosaurs at his kitchen
Nails (Un)painted by Padmaja Battani
Buried in a black robe/ Keeping her head down/ She enters the classroom/ Like a dark cloud
Hearing Unseen Things by Luis Berriozabal
I stood in awe/ hearing unseen things;/ the wind spoke, hissed,/ and scratched my door.// I grew frightened
Storyline by Dean Wiseman Golden
As it happens/ early on// the following morning/ we escape/ within a small boat// into the mountains
Paper Cranes by Mia Tan
Parchment severs/ the high drifts of morning/ as fire’s keen grasp/ only begins/ to subside./ Over retching
Cold Comfort by PH Coleman
A crisp-rind new moon/ slices open old memories/ that bleed out starlight.// Walking over snow
An Ordinary Day by Julia Caroline Knowlton
Swallowed by the sick fluorescent glow/ of a computer screen all day,// I stare at my supermarket lilies—
Object of my vision by Tapeshwar Prasad
How do you hold, Sphinx/ into your desert eyes/ Beholden I take a look/ at my pupil/ Blackness
Quilling Mind by Anila Arun Pillai
Mere minnow laid low/ Pulled over to the peak/ Demeaning found core full/ Moon milk lit sky stood
Mt. & by Janet Bowdan
We wanted to climb Mt. Ampersand but/ that day, the day we had set ourselves/ the goal not just of
Practice by Shane Schick
Usually on a dining room chair,/ occasionally amid a field of grass,/ a few times in a moving car/ and one
luna by N.F. Kimball
i feel that aching moon/ pulling my recreation/ letting go of that sweet lament
Green by Jan Ball
Would that I could wear this rural green,/ the July soybeans tone on the distant hills,/ the green needles
Rainy Day by Sarika Jaswani
Soft sopping mizzle/ on dusky gloom of window pane// thunder creases somber covers on
Nighthawks, But It’s A Tuesday Afternoon by Eve Dineva
Creamy-butter amber spills through/ the thick window blinds to drip inside/ in heavy beads, the colour
Nuclear Family by Lisa Molina
Electrons whirring buzzing/ orbiting around much larger/ protons and neutrons.// Positively charged protons
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Trouvaille Review is an online journal that publishes the poetry of poets across the globe. For free, you may send us your poems, and if selected, we will publish your poems on this website. We strive to let the contributors know our decision within 24 hours.