Rest in the Whirlwind by Jason Heroux
The world is more/ worldly than it seems./ Like a green evening// leaf darkening/ into a night so green
Mama by R. Skye Lambert
Mama is crying again.// I hate it when she cries/ Try so hard to tuck myself/ into a place where I don’t
Nighttime Observation by Peggy Heitmann
See/ the lawn chairs? That is us sitting there./ waiting for a harvest moon/ to saunter its way across the sky.
Summer Afternoon by Mike Dillon
A hot wind flays the cottonwood/ to a leaf-shadow school of trout/ swaying one way then the other
Mindless by Joanne Durham
Wake up early,/ day still sleeps/ outside/ stars and moon/ whisper/ we waited/ so we wouldn’t/ miss you
Daisies by Daniel Birnbaum
She opens her bag/ she finds an old picture/ she did not know was there/ memories pop up/ like spring
A Place to Call Home by Kylan Tatum
tonight, i sat on the porch to watch, to listen./ to watch those walk by listen/ to unheard melodies in the
As We Sat in the Restaurant by Ivo Drury
You asked which type of water/ I saw a lazy river/ lollygagging through foothills/ within a hike of its source
Progress by John Hicks
A small shadow inquires morning light/ onto the cushion of the wicker chair./ I trace it to the chair’s arm.
Fairy Light by Sophie Jupillat Posey
Green. Green, green, green./ Green mist and sunlight filtering through the trees,/ A gossamer spiderweb
Note for my Father watching Comets by Kim Malinowski
Comets are icy bodies of gas and rock,/ conglomeration of pieces and personality. / They arc across the night sky
Language into Magic by Robert Bulman
I want to be a poet/ for all the wrong reasons/ to see my name in print// to leave a legacy for my son
Certainty in Nice by John Drudge
When we were young/ And in love/ In Nice/ In the courtyard/ Of the small villa/ Under a crisp moon
Eki (The Station) by Tamiko Dooley
I was sitting on the station platform when I saw you/ You were standing in the last carriage
Dawn by Koyel Mitra
The bejeweled night sky/ Waits eagerly/ For a tryst.// The yellow orb/ Peeps smilingly from its lair/ In anticipation
through the waves by Laurel Benjamin
a whale gliding past/ clouds of spray/ in your body/ you recognized it/ when quiet/ a forest of pressure
Planet Nine by Sarah Henry
A big thing spins/ in space. A huge/ object’s gravity/ pulls on debris/ beyond Neptune./ This seems exotic
In October the House Draws Near the Woods by James Owens
The maple's red leaves/ lick the fumbling wind/ and break their bindings.// I, too, want flight, the desire
The Dreamcatcher by Katrenia G. Busch
Captured within the web of dreams/ Nothing is as it seems// Waken from the gates of sleep/ Do my eyes
Turning Myself Over To the Sea by Lois Perch Villemaire
Floating on my back,/ the current becomes a compass,/ and guides my course,/ My mind is calmed as
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Trouvaille Review is an online journal that publishes the poetry of poets across the globe. For free, you may send us your poems, and if selected, we will publish your poems on this website. We strive to let the contributors know our decision within 24 hours.