Cycle by Lisa Alletson
I was born when a fox coughed/ shattering sunlight/ and the forest spilled open.// I emerged from a slash
Delicate Paintings of Edo Japan by Royal Rhodes
floating curls of clouds/ move like impermanent waves/ stretched out on a fan/ ink darkens petals
Taming the Wild Beast by Sharon Waller Knutson
In the skillful hands and feet/ of the six-foot tall teen,/ the Artic Cat roars and screeches/ like a ferocious
Only by Jennifer Shneiderman
I’m feeling better/ I no longer hear your voice/ in the night/ I only hear your whistle/ in dancing trees
Because I Failed Calculus by Rp Verlaine
Because where/ we are or yet/ to get to/ that I can’t/ quite/ place the/ here between/ the denial or/ acceptance
At The River by Brian Rihlmann
at the river/ my fallen cottonwood sits in the same place as always/ stuck in the sand/ like an old grey bone
Solitude by Erica Jasmin Dixon
In the quiet,/ My soul dances,/ Guided by the kind candle flame,/ All joy and peace within me,/ All doubt
The Unwilling Traveler by Sandy Rochelle
The boat moved closer to the shore./ I spied my grandmother long past and much loved./ Sitting in a chair.
Dovercourt Park by Margaret Meagher
An ivory moon/ Draws up the birdsong,/ Steeping the rain-rich air/ In music, and/ Water slicks the asphalt
Dress Rehearsal by Sterling Warner
We danced like Disney’s waltzing flowers/ ignoring perfect time, enjoying the moment,/ our feet seemed
Remaking by Rebecca Dempsey
Take the worlds you find/ - verses on vanillin pages/ - scrolls of pixels on screens/ Shake them up, hard.
Echoes of Waking by Johanna H. Boers
I woke before dawn in an echo/ Of sleep, the owl outside my window called/ Softly, a word, again,/ A
Hauling Water by M.J. Iuppa
Enough— I think, letting the too full watering can bob in the barrel/ before lifting it up & slogging it to the
waning gibbous by Corina Yi
opened windows & slipped piano keys/ into the city’s mouth, regurgitating/ a sickly childhood sonatina
Naturist by Ramesh Dohan
During a season/ of black sycamores/ Bare feet crackling earth/ As his zipper clasps/ In its shadows/ I relearn
Running With The Wolves by Bruce McRae
An hour of joy, an ounce of sorrow./ This monumental moment, in part and in whole./ I’m being touched by
Between Seasons by Anna Kiesewetter
You exist in a haze,/ in that tepid nook between/ spring and summer, between/ fragile light and heady warmth.
buckeye creek by Mark A. Fisher
an old dirt road/ shade trees grown tall/ on either side of the/ one lane bridge/ over calm, still water/ warm
Life is a Poem by Amanda Valerie Judd
pause to reflect,/ pluck the words/ from the universe,/ string them together/ like ducklings behind their
The Glory of the Winds by Katrenia G. Busch
The Four Winds that whistle/ Each direction that they go/ Overwhelming as they trample
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Trouvaille Review is an online journal that publishes the poetry of poets across the globe. For free, you may send us your poems, and if selected, we will publish your poems on this website. We strive to let the contributors know our decision within 24 hours.