Writer’s Block by Jacob Butlett
Our pages still bare, we rise/ from our desks to put on sweaters.// Gusts strum the windchime all morning
Waiting My Turn at the High Dive by Peter Huggins
I have to be the oldest/ Person in line. The kids look/ At me with smiles/ On their faces, ask me if I need/ Help
Eddie Cicotte by Michael Ceraolo
It's not much of a jump/ from cheating on the field to cheating off it/ And that's what I did:/ I knew it was wrong and
Favourite Food by Áine Greaney
French fries soused/ in vinegar and mayonnaise and/ nestled in newspaper so/ grease weeps into/ yesterday's
The Autumn Hues of India by Sreekanth Kopuri
The heat of Indian summer/ put down to the earth’s magic/ spell on the stretching bed of/ the autumn foliage
Content with the Night by Craig Cruise
The hoot of an owl/ Deep in the woods/ I cherish the sound/ It leaves me spellbound// I go for a walk/ Deep in the
Consider The Mountain’s Feelings by CL Bledsoe
Even the best outlined plans shrink/ when laid out to dry. Inevitability is,/ at best, a raw deal unless you’ve bought
A Box We Don’t Need by Charlotte Cosgrove
There is a box still filled with things./ For over a month it has been in the hallway./ Dust has gathered around
Reunion by Alec Solomita
I’m ready once more/ for the pale pages of books,/ for words and their occupants/ to crowd my heart again.
Interlude by Esther Ra
When I boarded the train, my hands were empty,/ and I knew nothing of where I should go./ Only that I needed
Swing by Shi Yang Su
I climb on an aged swing in the middle of night/ verdant wind blows up unsettled hairs/ swaying with both hands
On a Walk by Martin Willitts Jr.
The world is vastly different during a walk/ through the neighboring forest/ as birds define territory and song.
Getting Older by Debbie Hewson
I know that I am getting older/ I’ve got dodgy feet and a frozen shoulder/ I remember times when I
Beach by Joan McNerney
My mind is an ocean/ where swimmers, surfers,/ sun worshippers cavort.// Long salty hair/ held between/ their
Hibernal by Cristina DeSouza
Ice in my veins,/ burnt blood./ Gentle gestures remove/ snowflakes from my pale face/ and placid eyes fixed on
The Spider by Cameron Morse
It's just a moment—not/ worth much—where I'm/ holding the ladder/ for Lili. I look up at her/ in her p.j. bottoms, her
A Hard Life by San Lin Tun
A hard day,/ A hard night,/ What makes life hard?/ Hurdles in life?/ A huge struggle,/ Vigorous efforts,/ To win
Absence of a poet by Eduard Schmidt-Zorner
His absence unnoticed,/ he liked to write poems/ on white birch bark,/ catch the intuition spark/ between midnight
Then and Now by Katrenia G. Busch
Glimpses and shadows that speak/ From the corner of my eye do I see/ Memories passing— growing antique
Erosion Theory by Sara Dobbie
We walk to the riverbank and we sit,/ and we stare./ Sunlight filters through passing clouds,/ warming our necks
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Trouvaille Review is an online journal that publishes the poetry of poets across the globe. For free, you may send us your poems, and if selected, we will publish your poems on this website. We strive to let the contributors know our decision within 24 hours.