Man and Sparrow by Maed Rill Monte
Both embrace their space/ and bear no complaints./ The man is engrossed in/ creative observations;/ the
The Fence by Yuan Changming
Like a grandpa's teeth/ Cannot bite the softest days/ Passing by daily
what birds know by Melody Wang
vibrant streaks/ of amorphous sky guide// soft-down feathers, eager/ open beaks stretching toward// light
Life of Light by Duane Anderson
The lamp is burning/ next to the window/ looking out, searching for/ the darkness of night./ Without it,/ it has
Morning Frost by Aysegul Yildirim
I put my emotions into golden dust/ just before the dawn/ send them into the air/ they land on the tops of trees
Flakes by Yash Seyedbagheri
Flakes flit across a charcoal canvas/ smiling, tender and white/ gathering one by one/ they swirl, pirouette
In the Thinness of the Autumn Air by T.P. Bird
In the thinness of the autumn air—/ no longer smothered in the denseness/ of summer’s humidity—we
Amid the Dunes by Resolute Lee
Illuminated amid white sands,/ Revealed long after revered sorrows,/ Unforgotten love is unearthed;/ Souls’
Galloping Heart by Nichola Ruddell
Grief Spattered thump/ Joy covered thrum/ Pummeling through/ Claw and whisper/ A galloping heart/ Waits/ For
In the Falling Snow by Don Tassone
In the falling snow/ Perched on a green holly bush/ A small brown bird/ Finds a red berry
Moon Rise by Emily Strauss
Moon rise—not blood red, not orange or purple/ but a silent sliding into the sky of blue among white pines
The Tree in my Yard by Adelina C. Da Silva
Climbing to the Acacia tree’s highest branch/ I look downtown, Bila Baxu./ The ceramic roof tiles with
The Verge of Nothing by Alec Jolley
The wind lashed itself across my face/ as I stumbled along the beaten path,/ fulfilling my obligations to no one.
The Real Reason by Foster Trecost
After the rain does its rinsing/ I think about how everything/ That was dry/ a short time ago// Now drips with
Drops of Snow, a German folk tale by Shelly Jones
Once, when Snow tumbled to the frozen ground,/ pooling in translucent rivers, the crystals gasped/ at
Rain Therapy by Alan Bedworth
It's odd how rain lashing at/ your windows, can act as an/ appeaser when your mind/ is troubled./ The drops
Merci by Julia Caroline Knowlton
Merci contains mercy, pure water/ forgiving in a warm, swollen stream./ Merci is autumn mapping
The Veranda by Sonnet Mondal
Grandpa used to sit on a protruded part/ of the veranda of our old house./ In a subtle hesitancy, he used
Hollow Headlights by Kevin Stadt
the herd careens along/ eyeless, screeching rails/ curving parallel lines of rusting iron/ stripped from
Winter Months by Melissa Kelly
With the winter months/ Comes windy snow storms/ Blowing the last remain leaves/ Off the now bare trees
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Trouvaille Review is an online journal that publishes the poetry of poets across the globe. For free, you may send us your poems, and if selected, we will publish your poems on this website. We strive to let the contributors know our decision within 24 hours.