Moon Rise by Emily Strauss

Moon rise—not blood red, not orange or purple

but a silent sliding into the sky of blue among white pines

cedar, spruce and birch outlined along the rise

so that the path cut deep into the snow appears

shadowed like cold canyons in pale sandstone, black walls

rising above a luminous floor.

I walk unaided under the trees on my private way,

blue light following every step.

Emily Strauss has an M.A. in English, but is self-taught in poetry, which she has written since college. Over 500 of her poems appear in a wide variety of online venues and in anthologies, in the U.S. and abroad. She is a Best of the Net and twice a Pushcart nominee. She is interested in the American West and the narratives of people and places around her. She is a retired teacher living in Oregon.


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