How the Hummingbird Came to Be by Matthew Friday
Something was missing from Creation./ Almost all extremes had been explored,/ but imagination still
summer's last call by Kyla Houbolt
rain/ falls/ gently raw/ each single drop's/ singular message plummets/ from on high
Hinges by Keith Allison
They wanted me / to stay inside their box, // to color / inside their lines // They wanted me / to stay inside
raven tracks by Mark A. Fisher
it is a sandy path/ where unkindnesses gather/ to argue and discuss/ qualitiesof wind and sun and sky
Puget Sound by Barbara Spring
Tender the late day / Water rippling in slowly / Freighters drift by / The beacon on a spit of sand
Losing Grace by Palash Mahmud
Now I know-/ it’s not a dream.// A new art of supremacy/ breaking mutual ground.// Now I know-
Prelude in C by Lisa Molina
As a boy, his fingers flew,/ fluttering over the white and/ black keys through the doors/ of the
Weeping Willows by Pardee Lowe, Jr.
Overcome by light/ there’s no distance/ I can place myself/ and resist it./ All is there -- leaves
The Cardinal by Andrew Ray Williams
I was too late./ And at this point, I am unsure/ if this feathered foe is toying or avoiding.// After being called
Silent Wings by R.M. Scott
large wings flap/ alongside/ unheard beneath the breeze// gliding to a destination/ not yet seen// the great
Fourward by Ethan Roland
You’ve been trying at this for so long/ Every day, week, hour you struggle for it/ Four years, unceasing
An evening of rain by Padmaja Battani
You saw me walking/ In the rain holding/ My broken umbrella/ Folded and inoperable/ Rainwaters ruthlessly
Dashing in Blue by Rebecca Surmont
Hello I say so far under my breath/ that it is to myself.// I greet a chair that should be rocking/ facing the
Dance of Trees by Sterling Warner
Stately, solemn cedars, elms & oaks/ stand composed in days without wind/ or rain yet begin to dance
Sea Lion by Thomas Hutchinson
I can tile the ocean floor/ while you whisper into my snorkel,/ something about the waves, breaking
Mulberry tree by Carrie Magness Radna
I thought these were blackberries/ for years—my neighbor’s tree/ grew many berries; staining
The Upturned Sea by David Dumouriez
When I was seventeen -/ For sure more wet than dry -/ I flattened out some grass/ And angled in the sky.
Heartbeat by Yana Kane
Wave song,/ whale song/ starting low,/ rising slow,/ growing strong. // Come along!// Let it call you
In Late Winter by Fredric Hildebrand
Bone-white ground crusty/ underfoot. In the clearing,/ snowbanks warmed to dripping/ by the sun.
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Trouvaille Review is an online journal that publishes the poetry of poets across the globe. For free, you may send us your poems, and if selected, we will publish your poems on this website. We strive to let the contributors know our decision within 24 hours.