Within Melodies of Reluctance by Aritrika Chowdhury
The sun broke the rules of winter,/ Creeped inside gallantly with a promise of elopement./ The Beatles
The Dignity of Winter by Rhonda Brown
Wind rustles the leaves./ Trees shimmer yawning deeply,/ Anticipation.// Autumn equinox
How to Climb a Mountain by John Maurer
The easiest way to get to the top of a mountain is to be born upon its peak/ The second easiest way to get
Geodesic Dreams by Bernardo Villela
A stiletto-pointed star shines/ in a stained-glass sky./ As the Golgotha-gray star/ twinkles on a town unseen
Orchard valleys by DS Maolalai
in day's heat / trees sweat fruit / on burned hill- / side foreheads, / on deep orchard / valleys and cool.
Winter Full Moon by Sharon Waller Knutson
Awake in my pajamas,/ nibbling on fruitcake,/ I stand by the window/ on this winter night,/ and watch the
Our Extravagant Plants by Margaret Coombs
This summer the foliage arches/ over our small garden, grows/ ferociously, as if our soil/ were
December rain by Matt Stefon
Whether/ or not/ it wants/ to freeze/ (or not),/ it can't/ make up/ its mind.
Ignite by Craig Cruise
Passing clouds/ Make shifting shadows/ Dark to light/ Then shining bright// The wind is strong
Stone by Damian Ward Hey
from gripping ground/ still wrapped/ in clinging green —/ pulled numb,// a skinless thing
I Lost my Zig by Michael De Rosa
The spring in my step/ Made me faster than my playmates/ Carried me higher and farther/ Then as a feather
Pardon Me For Interrupting by Zev Torres
Pardon me for interrupting./ These words have been clamoring to escape/ Tearing apart my mouth
Free quarks don’t decay by Swapna Sanchita
To every particle that exists in space/ There must be another, a counterpart./ For every quark, an
Midwest Invasions by Katie Kalisz
Autumn Olive, Asian Carp,/ Butterbur, Barberry, Baby’s Breath, lasagna-like/ Curly pondweed
Miracle of Flight by Phyllis Hemann
A baby bird flaps/ an awkward beat/ of wings, chaos/ in an ordered world,/ one, two, thirty-three
7 Winter Notes by Joan McNerney
empty trees/ standing still…only/ the willow sways// another fall/ has left its harvest./ the ground lies fallow
Halo by Victor Kennedy
On a warm September day/ We were walking along the Bluffs/ You started to run and I followed
Origami by Abigail Weathers
I unfold/ the train car,/ the bar,/ review each crease./ Their origami/ a reverse map/ to that first intention.
Early Evening by Mark Jodon
I walk among cottonwoods./ They stand in prayer silence,/ their bare branches raised/ toward constellated
Sleepless Nights by Barbara Schilling Hurwitz
Entangled thoughts clash/ in the darkened room/ should do, could do, must do, might./ Explosion of energy
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Trouvaille Review is an online journal that publishes the poetry of poets across the globe. For free, you may send us your poems, and if selected, we will publish your poems on this website. We strive to let the contributors know our decision within 24 hours.