Overtones by Jamie Spenser
one note on a big Steinway/ with the sustain petal down/ sounds/ like a whole song/ the overtones light up
Passing By by M.J. Iuppa
Standing alone in the wood’s lowlight, I/ look closely at everything I’ve ignored in/ my passing by—
blue can be this by Pearl Button
blue can be this: the indigo gleam of bodies/ bounding ecstatically inside the skin of the world.
Ice Moon by Kevin Stadt
thin winds slant methane sleet/ ammonic cryomagma/ flash freezing/ over dunes,/ rivers, seas,/ frigid rocks
Lost Songs by Meg Weston
In a restaurant in Italy they dine/ on songbirds. A delicacy – so delicious—/ they say, crunching the
Parenthetical by Robert L. Penick
11:45 on a Sunday morning, the dog asleep at your feet./ Thirty-three degrees outside and a drizzle threatening
Reunion by Carol Edwards
The ocean is gentle today/ benignly chasing children and dogs and gulls/ trailing after me like a
Blizzard of Love by Alan Catlin
Every day for a year/ she sent him a card/ with a snow flake/ on it with increasingly/ more ardent proclamations
The Botanical Diviner by Shelly Jones
In the morning, she rips sage leaves,/ brittle fingernails rending soft flesh,/ steeps salvia, asters in
Dark petunia by Prachi Kholia
Do not look for me/ Because I am not there./ Black petunia in the snow/ Think of dawn,/ That’s where
Ovid by Dawid Juraszek
things change/ not me who said it first/ but might as well have/ for you said it best// weaved it best
Persephone by Katrina Kaye
I hold the seeds/ between my teeth,/ squeeze till the/ slightest of juices/ eases on tongue.
Pledged by Ross Thompson
Bedtime but abruptly interrupted by the scuff/ of a manilla envelope being clumsily shoved/ underneath
Lullaby by Janet Jones Stebbins
Snow does not turn to rain along the coast,/ and green fields are enough to feed the hungry.// The
St. Paul de Vence by John Drudge
In the small French town/ In the mountains/ On the winding streets/ Narrow and beguiling/ With shadows
An enchanted moment from bee-like autumn by Paweł Markiewicz
the last autumn - bee/ just before epiphany/ beehive fulfilled?/ bee looking at fall/ in the beehive – wings
Acrylic in Canvas by Gopal Lahiri
Moaning in the cries of dove,/ house sparrows and low clouds fill in/ not two-toned,/ but grey all the
Origin Stories by Frances Klein
Being alive on this planet/ means acknowledging that all things/ were once something else./ That sponge
The Crickets’ Melody by Anisa Mughal
The cycle repeats. Crickets sing their songs,/ Gleaming stars pose against obsidian sky,/ The universe
Fizzling Currents by R.M. Scott
thick energy beckoned/ to cross into untamed woods/ its pull, a shadowy cove/ of forbidden shudder
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Trouvaille Review is an online journal that publishes the poetry of poets across the globe. For free, you may send us your poems, and if selected, we will publish your poems on this website. We strive to let the contributors know our decision within 24 hours.