Passing By by M.J. Iuppa

Howden Pond, 2021


Standing alone in the wood’s lowlight, I

     look closely at everything I’ve ignored in

my passing by— little moss-covered stones

    and shining leaves of jumpseed & goldenrod

growing on either side, close to the path’s

    clipped grass and tall trees standing like

sentries just beyond the ground cover, watching

     over what comes & goes silently, like wings of

moths, opening & closing in emerald shadows

     dissolving into darkness & sounds of even

breath . . .  I am left here— wanting

      to hold this tenderly.

M.J. Iuppa’s fifth full length poetry collection The Weight of Air is forthcoming from Kelsay Books, May, 2022. For the past 33 years, she has lived on a small farm near the shores of Lake Ontario. Check out her blog: for her musings on writing, sustainability & life’s stew.


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blue can be this by Pearl Button