Hillsides by John P. Drudge
We drove to Provence/ To capture Cezanne/ To find impressions/ In the landscape/ Through fields of lavender
Blueberry Adventures by Em Walling
Each memory is a blueberry clinging onto the bush./ They hang in no specific order, each one containing/ a flavorful
The Moon Rises, The Sun Falls by Elizabeth Edelglass
I do not have to be good./ Baseballs crack windows,/ teacups spill, saucers shatter, umbrellas/ splinter in
Night by Askold Skalsky
And again it is night/ spreading its black light/ over the mountains,/ over the pale roads/ that have lost their way
The Muir Less Traveled by LA Felleman
Abandoned cars/ lined both shoulders// Tourists afoot/ kept on crowding// So we traded/ postcard Forest
Poem at the Edge of the World by Julia Caroline Knowlton
Words without ink on paper cloud—/ the poem at the edge of the world.// It is the place where land sinks to sea
Petrichor by Rin Willocks
The world smelled of petrichor/ The day after the rain/ After flood warnings and drowning hearts
Southering Sun by Victoria Crawford
Southering sun, briefer days/ northern Siam/ earth and trees fade/ to umber and gold,/ taking flight/ leaves flee
Going Forth By Daylight by Laura Walton Allen
We see things only that we want to keep. Look/ at this sparrow, this spotted owl, this dove/ with the blue-black
Virulent Vertigo by Husain Abdulhay
High hills I climb/ to give sky a near stargaze/ lying wide awake all the night/ I rove my eyes aloft over distance
Song by Mike Dillon
Heron fixes its solitary gaze on the low tide./ Osprey slows, pivots and dives./ Kingfisher chitters and white
Triangles by Helga Gruendler-Schierloh
Three corners to join,/ three aspects to share/ - what was, what is, what will still be// Three hopes to evaluate
Deep Look by Ana Stjelja
Deep look of a mysterious woman/ Illuminates the path/ Of a lonely man/ While walking towards the/ Eternity./ Look
Years Ago by Ann Privateer
Before developers built houses/ Orchards existed here. Fifty years later/ Someone cut them all down, a
Improvement by Kevin Ahern
Rivers do not/ Their own water drink/ The sun can’t shine/ On itself, we think/ Trees do not eat/ The fruit that they
The Moon Beholds the Stars by John Tustin
The moon beholds the stars,/ Shining pinpoints in a vast distance,/ And smiles knowing that proximity/ Makes
Little Yellow Songbird by Douglas Young
Walking late one winter afternoon,/ I suddenly heard a lovely tune;/ Looking for where the source could be
Unendingly picturesque by Paweł Markiewicz
I am through a superb window – looking./ An angel of feeling awakes in me./ The dreamy oak-trees stand alway
The Eye of Time by Carl Hubrick
The future is the present/ when it comes./ And the present becomes the past/ with each living breath we take.
Tipping Point by J. David Hughes
After more rain/ than the earth would swallow,/ after more wind/ than the roots could bear,/ do not marvel/ to see
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Trouvaille Review is an online journal that publishes the poetry of poets across the globe. For free, you may send us your poems, and if selected, we will publish your poems on this website. We strive to let the contributors know our decision within 24 hours.