Words Just Fail by Ross Walsh
If I’m honest with myself,/ words just fail to capture/ it. Every time they’re/ never quite able to/ encapsulate
Wish by Maria A. Arana
a four-letter word/ like love/ and hate// they become lodged under the tongue/ neatly spaced/ waiting// …to share
Tea with Anxiety by Lisa Molina
Anxiety squeezed my lungs with/ sharp talons, punching its fists/ on my heart through my chest.// Anxiety
Birch Tree by Melissa Perri Smith
There’s a fire burning in our backyard, fueled/ by kerosene, dried leaves, & bark from the/ birch tree, a tree
A Round Town Full of Squares by Matthew Johnson
The next-door neighbor, a former classmate,/ Slams his front door in a huff and a puff,/ Stepping out into the world
Meditation on the Brown Color of my Eyes by Jeff Burt
I don’t even know/ what burnt umber looks like/ or why you’d burn an umber/ to make it darker,/ and my eyes
The Stars Don’t Care by Wil Michael Wrenn
The stars don’t care/ if I am right or not;/ they don’t judge or criticize./ The bird that flies/ through the skies/ and
The spring awakening. The sonnet by Paweł Markiewicz
The springtide wakes up not only in dreams./ The snowdrops blooming in the moony garths./ One listens
dusk/dawn by Caitlin Mae Thomson
People have let me down/ The moon rises in the sky/ I bite my nail beds/ And hug my knees/ The milky dawn
Tricube by Nivedita Karthik
Poets are/ Hitchhikers/ Waiting and// Waiting to/ Ride on the/ Next thought train// To unknown/ Places deep
The Shine Of It by Susan Kay Anderson
I like to see the shine of it/ Just when it is there on the ring/ With all the others/ Even though someone else/ Gave
Magnolia by Byron Beynon
Outside the abbey window/ facing south,/ near the furrowed path/ I've walked,/ the magnolia tree grows/ timeless
A song visits my dream by Padmaja Battani
A song visits my dream/ A song with muted lips/ I hear its lyrics with my heart// A song with wings and no
Orbit by Brian J. Alvarado
an off-frost-white balloon/ on the first day above 80,/ whether bereft of helium/ and enslaved to the wind,/ or
Trees of the Wood by Charles Haddox
Hourglass, the whirlpools on water./ Sun glitter/ for clover moths and yews. Their rising helices/ embrace a
Create by Jeanette Winsor
The red ink/ in my red pen/ flows off/ into space./ I climb on its back/ dashing myself into/ the obscure/ wondering
Snowdrops by Will Snelling
The day ages backwards./ A sunless morning, then light/ Does its slow reveal/ Behind black marionettes/ Of
Another Spring Poem by Richard LeDue
Dawn coats the birches in orange paint/ each morning now,/ while patches of dead grass/ next to old
Casida of the Wild Parrot by Mark J. Mitchell
Wild parrot/ escaping his home hill/ leaving flocks behind/ looking for his name./ Wild parrot/ poison green
Northern Sky by John Hansen
Hawks have two wings/ on a dismal spring day./ In the evening,/ after winds stop begging/ at the door, a young
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Trouvaille Review is an online journal that publishes the poetry of poets across the globe. For free, you may send us your poems, and if selected, we will publish your poems on this website. We strive to let the contributors know our decision within 24 hours.