Swimming with Swans by Katrin Talbot
Not always a/ question of grace,/ endurance// More often, a/ song of float/ and preen// And you, become
Mango moon by Yana Kane
Mmmm – mmmm!/ Mango moon/ Growing, ripening./ Soon, soon/ it will rise sweet,/ it will rise full,/ heavy with
Night by Cecilia Yang
A quiet hoot rings through the wood/ The flutter of wings under darkness’s hood/ Small animals creep
Feathers by Nolan Dannels
they cut off my wings/ to count the feathers/ like they were tree rings/ I'd like to know the number/ I wonder if
Somewhere Else by John Drudge
Walking the banks/ Along the river/ Waiting for life to begin/ Looking for something else/ To survive the strain
Splash by Daniel Edward Moore
Walking in the shimmering rain/ of you, leaving the past/ in Doc Marten boots,// blue, as puddles that held
Preservation by Meghan Elizabeth Kelley
It’s important to collect something,/ my grandmother says,/ as she rinses the top of the tomato can/ from her
time by Tane Kim
the minute hand of a clock/ how threatening its presence/ moving in a sweeping motion/ disturbing the calm
Resurrecting hope by Abha Das Sarma
A butterfly floats over a wild ensemble of periwinkle/ Shy red, pink and lying orange/ Painting them a sacred white
Frost by Morgan Boyer
snow-crested rooftops/ are like the sugar-cookie icing/ of architecture. They/ are a root bleached
The Hand that Stops Time by Katrenia G. Busch
Time was measured/ Each moment in—balance/ Fate then answered/ What exists in the futures absence?// Time
Ten Years Old Again by Michael De Rosa
Walking, to cross a stream/ I see a narrow plank bridge./ My eyes light up/ ten years old again./ I smile as I stride
The Authority of Road Signs by Ashley Crout
Yield. Cross traffic does not stop./ Notice that you, nucleus of your vehicle,/ are not priority here, out of
Horse Whip by Sharon Waller Knutson
It cracks through the air/ like an electric jolt,/ the hiss of a rattlesnake,/ the scream of a cougar./ He is out there again
Certificate by Ryan Quinn Flanagan
She showed me her certificate,/ was most proud.// I'm not sure what it said she could do/ that she could not before
clouds by Lisa Molina
orange yellow clouds over/ the west Texas prairie are/ antlers of sacrificial bucks/ resting in peace while
Early Memories by Yevgeniya Przhebelskaya
you won't remember/ how you were freezing/ the first night home from the hospital;/ you won't remember/ how all
Astrophysics for 5-Year-Olds by Gene Goldfarb
She took a seat on the ottoman/ sort of first bouncing on it first/ eager to listen from a comfy perch/ so I started
while hiking the big hill by Annie Powell Stone
“can you touch sky yet?” he asks from behind/ “no,” I report back/ (I stretch up anyway and it feels delicious)
At the Drumlin Pond by Marianne Szlyk
Barefoot, I follow the black cat/ to the pond. Like his paws,/ my feet read the ground: wet grass;/ rough rocks, gifts
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Trouvaille Review is an online journal that publishes the poetry of poets across the globe. For free, you may send us your poems, and if selected, we will publish your poems on this website. We strive to let the contributors know our decision within 24 hours.