Space by Elaine Nadal

I’ll write a verse about my love tomorrow.

The moon gloats tonight, glowing in its fullness

while I sit staring at a space

I can’t fill with stars.

My dearest is far away, unreachable.

The moon smirks, basking in its versatility,

the way it bares its sentiments in a sky

dressed in black silk and diamonds.

I, with fingertips stained with blue ink,

cross out another word on the page and chuckle,

for the moon’s light, lingering in many works,

has only left me uninspired.

A Pushcart Prize and Best of the Net-nominee, Elaine Nadal is the author of two poetry chapbooks: When and Sweat, Dance, Sing, Cut, published by Finishing Line Press. Her work has appeared in several journals, including Beyond Words Literary Magazine, Haunted Waters Press, Hoot Review, Grasslimb, and Latino Book Review Magazine.


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