He Is a Writer by Vitalia Strait
You say to take a breath,/ “Rest in the written page.”/ Oh, if only I could./ He is the poetry/ On my
The Next Ride by William R. Stoddart
In duple rhythm beats/ the dizzying Wurlitzer:/ Wood trumpets, cello pipes,/ trombones, flutes and bells.
Dali’s Query by Pardee Lowe Jr.
Today I woke to a cobalt sun// splayed against a pomegranate sky,/ to orange waves lapping/ bright green
Piccolo Warming Up by Katrin Talbot
Like a seam/ ripping/ Like a needle/ the pierce,/ the mend// I hear her a floor below/ through the hall’s intercom
Painting the Willows by Ken Allan Dronsfield
Colors of the leaves in autumn wove a lovely quilt/ covering the countryside, woods, and waters
Unnamed Tree on Fifth Street by Elizabeth Wilson
It’s mid-February when/ I’m overcome with the need// to name it. I’ve searched/ field guides, fingered spines
Help Me Out Here by Louisa Schnaithmann
Even the tenacious bluebirds who squabble over/ mealworms in the backyard know that// you must go
I found myself by Alec Jolley
I found myself/ in the folds of your sweater/ that fluttering fabric / swaying in the autumn breeze
Degrees of Glare by Cheryl Snell
Our pupils wince at the whole picture —/ we need light bright enough to take it all in,/ though we know too
Orbweaver by Maggie Menezes Walcott
I need a wonder/ it needn’t be much/ like wet shirts/ on woven lines/ whip-whapping/ with the wind
Scene by Mike Dillon
The blue, bovine river/ and its cargo of silence/ doubles the sky.// The afternoon drifts west/ past the green
it must be strange to be a house by Deirdre Fagan
feet on your floorboards,/ individuals dusting your windowsill./ the chimney drawing deeply from you
The Town Bell by Sushant Thapa
After being in the business for long/ The sailor exclaimed a relief one evening/ When he had sailed a
Zen Tea by Laurinda Lind
An American I met who/ had lived in Japan spent/ six years on tea ceremony// and its powdered/ leaves
Ephemera by Adrian David
What are we but a raindrop in the mighty ocean?/ Brimming with hopes and dreams for the future.
Road to Giverny by Heather Sager
Grab a bike and ride through the countryside// Stare into the wine shop and antique windows
Mist by Jeff Burt
Today the mist has pockets,/ holes in the seams, some/ as small as a finger might/ fit and wiggle free
Chocolate Under Tongue by Demitri Camperos
What fond, sugared words/ We share, we sigh// So sweet/ So said/ To your melted solution// So fine
A Roman Summer by John Drudge
The Coliseum looms/ In the roar/ Of an ancient echo/ Down paved streets/ And the stony tears/ Of time
The Feathers That Fell Yesterday by Daniel Boyko
i.// Winged birds. Executioner—thundering noise. Feathers./ The image plays over and over in my head
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Trouvaille Review is an online journal that publishes the poetry of poets across the globe. For free, you may send us your poems, and if selected, we will publish your poems on this website. We strive to let the contributors know our decision within 24 hours.