Zeitgeist by Chris Butler

I’ve got this lightning 


in a bottle, 

but what I supposed to do with it? 


In a bottle, 

this little bolt 

zigs and zags in an enclosed space 

with nothing to keep it grounded. 


I walk around town, 

bottle under arm, 

and ask everyone I meet 

and everyone I can’t see, 

what to do 

with the bolt of lightning 

I caught 

in this little glass jar. 


I hold it out 

like an infant safer in the arms of another 

with all of my might, 

unaware of what to do with this zeitgeist, 

my bolt of lightning 

in a jar. 

Chris Butler is an illiterate poet. His latest and lamest books, “Hi, my name is anonymous” (Alien Buddha Press) and “DOOMER” (Ethel) will be published soon, and made available at all of your fine retailers. He is also the co-editor of The Beatnik Cowboy literary journal.  


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