Wish Bowl, Snow by Elana Wolff

Anyone can add

a piece, and


many have, the

bowl is full —


of crumpled stubs

and folded bits


of paper. A

single strip is


lying flat for

anyone to read:


not wish so

much as plea:


Give me purity.


Three simple words,

five syllables, the


first in purity

slightly stressed — like


like falling snow,

its sibilance. || Listen

as it blankets

Elana Wolff is a Toronto-based writer of poetry and creative nonfiction, editor, and designer and facilitator of social art courses. Her work has recently appeared (or will appear) in The Dalhousie Review, Taddle Creek Magazine, The Banyan Review, Riddle Fence, Eclectica, Wanderlust, The Bangalore Review, and GRIFFEL. Her collection, Swoon (Guernica Editions), is the winner of the 2020 Canadian Jewish Literary Award for poetry. 


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