The Dragon in the Sky by Miriam Manglani

A dragon breathes

between the clouds,

his drifting, swirling,

wondrous shrouds.

His tail stretches

far and wide

and curls close

around his side.

Mountainous spikes

line his spine

making him look

quite divine.

He has piercing

eyes of sunlight,

and mighty, massive

wings for flight

that span and fan

from left to right.

He has a “cloudy”


and is quite a

surly nuisance,

spraying hot fire

that smokes

in plumes of clouds

that choke.

A chameleon of sorts

he camouflages, distorts

into dreams that rise

when they die

to say their final, stirring


Miriam Manglani lives in Cambridge, Massachusetts with her husband and three children. She works full-time as a Sr. Technical Training Manager at Sonos. Her poetry has been published in Village Square, Poetry Quarterly, Rushing Thru the Dark, Vita Brevis, and is forthcoming in Cerasus Magazine, Canyon Voices, and Prospectus.


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