The Arrow of Time by Sarah Henry
The arrow of time
flies forward.
It flies through
snack bars
and waiting rooms
where we come
to pass the time.
Winners save time.
Fools lose time.
The arrow of time
flies forward
with our tragedies
and light comedies
Time flies forward
in outer space.
The arrow flies
toward infinity.
Artists and scientists
try to understand
but miss the joke.
The arrow of time
flies from the bow
of the Big Bang.
It’s an old weapon
with a sharp point.
We’re all targets.
Aimed at us,
time flies.
Sarah Henry studied with two former U.S. poet laureates at the University of Virginia. Today she is retired from a major newspaper. Her recent publications/acceptances include The Oscilloscope Literary Review, Pure Slush, Perspectives, Rue Scribe, Willows Wept Review and Founders Favorites. Sarah lives and writes in a small Pennsylvania town without distractions.