The Spider Weaves by Matt Dennison

The spider weaves a complex web

beyond my kitchen window.

What stems and leaves befoul his work

he gathers in a canopy, avoiding sun and rain.

My light attracts his prey. Working quickly,

he tires his catch with fine, tricky steps

before the consommé. Finished, he drops them

to the sill—lighter than before, they are gone

with the first breeze. I weigh my progress

against his. By 3 a.m. one of us usually

has something to work on. If not,

there is always the web

Matt Dennison is the author of Kind Surgery, from Urtica Press (Fr.) His work has appeared in Rattle, Bayou Magazine, Redivider, Natural Bridge, The Spoon River Poetry Review and Cider Press Review, among others. He has also made short films withMichael DickesSwoonMarie Craven and Jutta Pryor.


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