Love in the World by Keith Moul

I posed a question for my love.

I paused for an answer, holding

still, but in time no answer came.

Wind echoes my question

to me repeatedly. Radio-

telescope operators called

to say they heard no answer, but

worked with powerful monitors

of sounds from deepest space.

Space raises millions of questions,

but if its enormous void emitted

an answer for me, they would

eagerly share it with the world.

Keith Moul writes poems and takes photos, doing both for more than 50 years. He concentrates on empirical moments in time, recognizing that the world will be somewhat different at the same place that today inspires him. His work appears around the world. Besides his reprint of his 2012 book Beautiful Agitation, also scheduled for 2020 release is New and Selected Poems: Bones Molder, Words Hold.


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