Longing For Wild Flowers by Lois Perch Villemaire
When you were young,
friendships were like wild flowers,
growing anywhere,
popping up,
watered by rain,
no special fertilizer
In older years,
it’s not like that,
You’ve seen them wither,
die on the vine,
drop to the earth,
swallowed up.
Some overwhelmed by weeds,
perhaps for lack of care,
unable to be revived.
Thankfully, others thrive,
grow tenfold,
Flowering and returning
stronger each season.
However, be mindful,
attention is needed,
sun, water, pruning,
to ensure health,
Lois Perch Villemaire has published stories, memoir flash, and poetry in journals including Potato Soup Journal, Ponder Savant, Trouvaille Review, FewerThan500, The Drabble, Pen In Hand, North of Oxford, Flash Frontier, and in several anthologies published by Truth Serum Press. She blogs for annapolisdiscovered.com and annapoliswellnesshouse.org.