Meditation in Spring by Julia Caroline Knowlton
dogwood blossoms, white & pink/ tiny dresses or ideas of prayer// too pure to be pure/ too many
Charm by Seth Jani
The world around my wrist/ with its blue cargo/ of days and oceans,/ with its secret jewels
Summer Twilights by Clayton Arble
Afternoon stars,/ the green air/ darkens.// The lake holds still/ at the bottom of its breath.
Pedantic by H. Russell Smith
I guess I'm anything but pedantic/ Splitting hairs requires surgeon's skill/ I'd much rather be labeled
Aspiring Poet by Dana Knott
What do I have to write about? Love?/vI write only what I know, simple,.vcourtly poems full of indelible
Heaven's Rainbow by Peter Magliocco
An ocean riptide reveals/ Heaven's rainbow// at Hermosa beach/ pulled down from the sky
Ode to starlight by Hilary Tam
Tell me how–/ How you breathe azure into the sky and purity into dusk, how mothballs frame your
this house is empty. by Lorelei Bacht
Lorelei Bacht's recent work has appeared and/or is forthcoming in Mercurius, Anti-Heroin Chic, Menacing
Summer Nights by Nancy Machlis Rechtman
The nights we spent by the lake were filled with sorcery and romance/ Conjured by the moon
Visitation by Victoria Twomey
so much is expected/ of the little red cardinal// winged intermediary/ between two
Into the Loire by John Drudge
Drifting down/ Along the river/ Like a returning hero/ After a hundred years/ Of war
On My 80th Birthday by Sharon Waller Knutson
Breakfast in bed:/ a strawberry smoothie/ stirred with Stevia/ poured over ice.// Lunch in the
Mundane Magic by Rory Baskin
what is this life/ if we are not perpetually awed/ at the clusters of stars above our heads/ the plethora
Gone but Unforgettable by Barbara Schilling Hurwitz
Trapped in a canyon of time/ an inescapable echo/ surrounds me,/ a voice that stirs/ twists the
Some Mornings Even Spring Couldn't Save by Ryan Brennan
Not April, not coffee, not purple/ tulips opening on the table, not/ you, or her, or even the early hour
American Sycamore by Gary Grossman
It is a ghostly obelisk of a tree, / breathless among the paused / leafless gray soldiers of the forest.
In Spring by John Muro
Winter’s teetering and/ certain to fall, with sap/ rising in wooding hills,/ new-leaf-pungent, silted
Forgotten Song by Kay Kestner
Things want to appear/ from their long disappearance/ but fear themselves too forgotten/ to return
Are You Staying? by Lois Perch Villemaire
Your suitcase is sitting on the stairs/ halfway up, halfway down,/ worn to the color/ of wheat
At The Edge Of Time by Martha Stainsby
we live at the edge of time/ there is no time beyond us/ except what we make/ our transient
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