The Moon’s Sonata by Asya Acun
As the moon flickers in space and time,/ All is calm, all is ready to roar/ Maybe the storm is approaching
Infinite reveries by Paweł Markiewicz
The loveliest dawn dwelleth in the bosom./ A mild magic word rests far below./ A balmy spark flying in the soul.
Meditation in Spring by Julia Caroline Knowlton
dogwood blossoms, white & pink/ tiny dresses or ideas of prayer// too pure to be pure/ too many
Charm by Seth Jani
The world around my wrist/ with its blue cargo/ of days and oceans,/ with its secret jewels
Summer Twilights by Clayton Arble
Afternoon stars,/ the green air/ darkens.// The lake holds still/ at the bottom of its breath.
Pedantic by H. Russell Smith
I guess I'm anything but pedantic/ Splitting hairs requires surgeon's skill/ I'd much rather be labeled
Aspiring Poet by Dana Knott
What do I have to write about? Love?/vI write only what I know, simple,.vcourtly poems full of indelible
Heaven's Rainbow by Peter Magliocco
An ocean riptide reveals/ Heaven's rainbow// at Hermosa beach/ pulled down from the sky
this house is empty. by Lorelei Bacht
Lorelei Bacht's recent work has appeared and/or is forthcoming in Mercurius, Anti-Heroin Chic, Menacing
Summer Nights by Nancy Machlis Rechtman
The nights we spent by the lake were filled with sorcery and romance/ Conjured by the moon
Visitation by Victoria Twomey
so much is expected/ of the little red cardinal// winged intermediary/ between two
Into the Loire by John Drudge
Drifting down/ Along the river/ Like a returning hero/ After a hundred years/ Of war
On My 80th Birthday by Sharon Waller Knutson
Breakfast in bed:/ a strawberry smoothie/ stirred with Stevia/ poured over ice.// Lunch in the
Mundane Magic by Rory Baskin
what is this life/ if we are not perpetually awed/ at the clusters of stars above our heads/ the plethora
Gone but Unforgettable by Barbara Schilling Hurwitz
Trapped in a canyon of time/ an inescapable echo/ surrounds me,/ a voice that stirs/ twists the
Some Mornings Even Spring Couldn't Save by Ryan Brennan
Not April, not coffee, not purple/ tulips opening on the table, not/ you, or her, or even the early hour
American Sycamore by Gary Grossman
It is a ghostly obelisk of a tree, / breathless among the paused / leafless gray soldiers of the forest.
In Spring by John Muro
Winter’s teetering and/ certain to fall, with sap/ rising in wooding hills,/ new-leaf-pungent, silted
Forgotten Song by Kay Kestner
Things want to appear/ from their long disappearance/ but fear themselves too forgotten/ to return
Are You Staying? by Lois Perch Villemaire
Your suitcase is sitting on the stairs/ halfway up, halfway down,/ worn to the color/ of wheat
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Trouvaille Review is an online journal that publishes the poetry of poets across the globe. For free, you may send us your poems, and if selected, we will publish your poems on this website. We strive to let the contributors know our decision within 24 hours.